Blitzoween is coming to ARK Mobile from Tuesday, October 27th through Tuesday, November 3rd. This rare event combines our bi-monthly Blitz Week with this year’s Halloween festivities for a whopping good time on the Island. This year’s event brings Trick or Treat chests to a daily featured Dungeon, the return of Pumpkin drops around the Island with updated loot, and wild Eerie dino spawns in multiplayer. Players on Official Servers may also notice that night time lasts a little longer…



Before the festivities begin, we’ll be placing some of our capped Official PvE & PvX servers into Moratorium to ensure that all of our online players have a fair shake at getting some new Eerie tames. A full list of applicable servers can be found here.


Event Start: Tuesday, October 27th at 12:00pm EDT

Event End: Tuesday, November 3rd at 11:00am EST

Blitz Dungeons

We’re bringing back a curated list of previously-released Dungeons alongside a special surprise on October 31st. Each day of Blitzoween features a different Dungeon, revamped with Trick or Treat loot chests and granting 2x Eery Element. During this special time of year, you’ve also got a 5x chance at encountering Noctis on your way to the Boss Arena.

The full Blitzoween Dungeon schedule can be found below.


Pumpkin Drops

Pumpkin Drops return to ALL game modes during the in-game hours of 6:00pm – 5:00am. Search far and wide for these glowing drops which grant one of 100+ items from an updated loot table.

Wild Eerie Creatures Spawns in Multiplayer

In contrast to how we’ve done previous Eerie events, all wild creatures* on current Official Servers will spawn as Eerie during the event. Additionally, players will find that the days are shorter during this time of year.

On Unofficial Servers, server owners will find the option to turn on Wild Eerie Spawns through their web interface during the event. Please note that this setting will be forced back off at the end of the event, after daily maintenance.


*Due to technical issues, the Unicorn and Electrophorus will not spawn as Eerie.


This year sees three contests being hosted across Twitter and Instagram. Enter for your chance to win a prize of 500x Ancient Amber and a 1 year 50 slot server rental from Nitrado! Our contests this year are as follows;


For Eerie Tames, we want to see some of your finest & rarest tamed Eerie creatures. Bonus points for image composition!


With our Haunted House contest, you know what to do. Spookify your base and show it off in a screenshot or a video walkthrough.


Our Scary Situations contest encourages you to get your creative juices flowing. We’re just giving you the name of this contest as a guide – other than that, anything goes. Scare our socks off!


To enter, submit your entries on Twitter or Instagram using the hashtag #BlitzoweenContest. Entries can be submitted now through the end of the event.

One winner for each category will be selected the following week and take home a prize of 500x Ancient Amber & a Nitrado server rental.

Store Specials

Head to the in-game store during the event where you’ll find Prank Gifts turned on in Multiplayer and a host of sales on various items. Official Servers will also see the Surge Price of Toilet Paper reset.

Dungeon Schedule

  • Tuesday, October 27th: Eternal Maze of the Wolf
    Features: Rex TEK Saddle BP, TEK Teleporter BP, Journeyman TEK Helmet BP (low chance)
  • Wednesday, October 28th: Violent Dance of the Amphibian
    Features: TEK Kibble Processor BP, TEK Leggings BP, 100x Black Pearls, Journeyman TEK Gauntlets BP (low chance)
  • Thursday, October 29th: The Sanguine Cascades
    Features: TEK Implant Chamber BP, TEK SCUBA Mask BP, TEK Replicator BP, Journeyman Tapejara TEK Saddle BP (low chance)
  • Friday, October 30th: The Eternal Tomb
    Features: TEK Generator BP, Mosasaur TEK Saddle BP, TEK Shield BP, Journeyman TEK Chestpiece BP (low chance)
  • Saturday, October 31st: ??????
    Features: TEK Kibble Processor BP, TEK Grenade BP, Journeyman TEK Rifle BP (low chance)
  • Sunday, November 1st: Cemetary of Chaos
    Features: TEK Megalodon Saddle BP, TEK Sleeping Pod BP, Journeyman TEK Boots BP (low chance)
  • Monday, November 2nd: Cloven Burial Grounds
    TEK Mosasaur Saddle BP, TEK Teleporter BP, Journeyman TEK Leggings BP (low chance)

*All featured Dungeons begin at 12:00pm Eastern Time, and end at 11:00am Eastern Time the following day.

**Community-made maps and further information on each Dungeon can be found here.

Grove Street Games 2020